Free Printable Emergency Medical Information Card. Free Printable Emergency Medical Information Card in PDF format. If you are looking for an Emergency ID in case of an emergency this one can help. Is very important to carry a Medical ID with you in your wallet or purse. In the event of an accident or emergency you may not be able to give first responders or paramedics important information that can help save your life. You can download, enter your contact and medical information, print, cut, fold, laminate and carry with you. Fill the form in this Emergency Medical Information Card without sharing your personal information over the internet. 1 Emergency Medical Information Card per page.
Instructions: Click the print link to open a new window in your browser with the PDF file. Then you can print or download using your browser’s menu.
Print Emergency Medical Information Card

why can’t I print this card?
I just tested it entering my information and printing without any problems.
No medical treatment or medisin
You can enter that information. Use conditions/history, medications and allergies/other information sections.
Need more space for medications
I just filled out and printed my med emergency card with no problem. Did you scroll to the top of the PDF to find the button that looks like a printer?
How do I retrieve information I printed on a Emergency Medical ID Card yesterday, 06/19/22? I
clicked on ‘printer’ on top of page, and card printed out, but I need a copy of what I entered.
Hi Lawrence. The Emergency Medical Information Card is in PDF Format. In order to have the information entered you need to download the form to your computer. Then enter the information and save the edited PDF. If you fill the information in browser then is not saved anywhere when you close the tab.