Free Printable Bug Out Bag Checklist. Free Printable Bug Out Bag Checklist to help you prepare your Bug Out Bag (BOB). The Bug Out Bag Checklist includes a basic list of necessary items to survive for a minimum of 72 hours when evacuating from a disaster, emergency, situation. Print the Bug Out Bag Checklist using your inkjet or laser printer and start preparing now. The free printable Bug Out Bag Checklist is very basic and just intended to be a starting point of the most important items in a Bug Out Bag. Includes items like emergency water pouches, MRE’s, freeze dried food, water filter, survival knife, paracord, emergency ration bars, whistle, poncho, compass, tent, waterproof matches, water purification tablets, etc. Start your BOB with things you have at home and then upgrade when you have money to invest on quality items.
Instructions: Click the print link to open a new window in your browser with the PDF file so you can print or download using your browser’s menu.
Print Bug Out Bag Checklist